Online conference - watch now: Opening Doors: ensuring access for all to alcohol support

Online conference - watch now: Opening Doors: ensuring access for all to alcohol support

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A great opportunity! If you missed out on our annual online conference in March 2023, you can tune in now!

For just £30, you can access video content from all 9 presentations given by our range of expert speakers, totalling over 5 hours of content!

People aren’t hard to reach. We just don’t always reach them. At this event, we heard from people and communities we often fail to connect with, and more about how we can bridge the gaps.

Presentations included in your order:

  • Yaina Samuels from Adferiad, on anti-racism and harm reduction
  • Aunee Bhogaita, and Prof Sarah Galvani from Manchester Metropolitan University, investigating alcohol support for South Asian women
  • Fiyaz Mughal, from Faith Matters, examining British Muslim perspectives on British drinking culture
  • Pete Nelson, Sheffield Hallam University, and Dr Sharon Tabberer from Arc Research, asking how does alcohol shape experiences of belonging in marginalised groups?
  • Dr Lucy Allwright from AVA talking about interventions to support women with complex needs
  • Dan Carden MP and Melissa Rice in conversation about the roles alcohol has played in their lives and identity
  • Swansea University’s Telling our own stories team, sharing Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people’s experiences of alcohol
  • Shannon Murray from the University of South Wales on LGBTQ+ experiences of substance use and treatment
  • Gary Meek, from Glasgow Council on Alcohol, asking how can we be visibly supportive of LGBTQ+ people affected by alcohol and/or drug use?

When you place your order, we will send you a link to the content so that you can watch and re-watch at a time that suits you!

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